3 Min reading time

0800-DEVOPS #37 – Investments Unlimited interview and Manifesto for service organizations

03. 06. 2022

Welcome to 0800-DEVOPS, a newsletter digest of interesting ideas from the world of DevOps, technical practices and increased productivity! We are presenting Manifesto for service organizations and talking to co-authors of Investments Unlimited.

A newsletter that started as a personal learning and getting-in-touch project by Ivan Krnic grew into a sociotechnical newsletter covering topics of technical excellence, organizational improvements, and productivity.

Manifesto for service organizations

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Strategic work over just “more” work

Flow over headcount

Missionaries over mercenaries

Community over zero-sum approach

Based on our experience, I believe that service organizations should live by these values. The Manifesto is described here in more detail. Take a look, reply and tell me what you think. Share it if you like it!

I hope that the Manifesto for service organizations will become the foundation of many future successful collaborations between client and service organizations!

Interview of the Month

Investments Unltd with co-authors

Investments Unltd with co-authors

Investments Unlimited is the latest novel by IT Revolution helping organizations radically rethink how they handle audit, compliance, and security for their software systems. I had a great conversation during DevOps Enterprise Summit with co-authors Tapabrata “Topo” Pal, Michael Edenzon, John Rzeszotarski, Jason Cox, and Bill Bensing. Listen all about what is governance in DevOps, how you can automate as much manual work as possible, how to make auditors your best friends, how to win auditors and influence engineers, and much more.

Show notes:
DevOps Automated Governance Reference Architecture

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Hand picked

Managing the Flow of Value in Service Organizations – The flow of value is important in all organizations, but especially so in service organizations that are by the virtue of their business model more susceptible to disturbances in the flow. We shared our CROZ experience at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2022.

Scenius: why creatives are stronger together – Great deeds are rarely done in solitude. To increase your chances of achieving something great, build a scene of like-minded people. Brian Eno coined the term: While genius is the intelligence of one person, scenius is the intelligence of a whole operation or group of people. There you go: Brian Eno knew the value of Communities of Practice before they even existed!

On Being A Senior Engineer – Oldie but goldie article by John Allspaw on what it means to be a senior (mature) engineer. If you’re having such conversations in your companies, this is precious.

The Christopher Alexander Effect – An interesting observation that patterns (best practices) make good architects even better, but they make lousy architects even worse. As true for architecture as for numerous other fields such as agile, people management, you name it.

Read with us

Read with us

Investments Unlimited: A Novel About DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age

Get the book

Investments Unlimted is the latest novel by IT Revolution helping organizations radically rethink how they handle audit, compliance, and security for their software systems.

You will love it. You’ll be done in one weekend and then you’ll come to the office on Monday morning full of ideas about what to do better. That is what this book does to you.



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