A newsletter that started as a personal learning and getting-in-touch project by Ivan Krnic grew into a sociotechnical newsletter covering topics of technical excellence, organizational improvements, and productivity.
Legacy thinking
I spoke with a good colleague last week and he said:
“I was always afraid of legacy systems, but now I see that legacy systems are only 5% of the problem. Legacy thinking is the remaining 95% of the problem.”
This is so well said that I have nothing to add. The system architecture is the reflection of your organization – the way you form teams and the way you choose to do the work.
If you don’t like the former, change the latter. If you don’t know where to start, consider the guidelines in the Manifesto for service organizations.
I wish you all the best in 2023 and may you achieve all 70% of your OKRs!
Trailblazers meetup
Thank you all for coming to our first Trailblazers meetup – a physical incarnation of 0800-DEVOPS newsletter and podcast! We talked about data streaming and here is the code that Miroslav Čerkez demonstrated for automated configuration of developer environment based on Kafka. Thank you for the support and see you in February – don’t forget to sign up!
Interview of the Month

Cloud development environments with Toma Puljak
Toma Puljak is software developer at Codeanywhere, a company that builds cloud IDE and brings Infrastructure-as-code principles to developer workspaces. I spoke with Toma about typical use cases for ephemeral workspaces, trends in the industry, how Big Tech companies solve this problem, and how Toma, after his notebook broke down, worked uninterrupted from his cell phone
Hand picked
My Wish List for Federal IT Contracting – Jeff Gallimore lists 5 things that governments could do better when contracting IT services. But the list is honestly so good that it applies to other organizations as well.
Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down: From a Real Twitter SRE – Matthew Tejo shares a first-hand glimpse into how Twitter works under the hood and how come we’re still using the blue bird even though it supposedly lost around 80% of its workforce.
Roadmaps.sh – It’s that time of the year when we do retrospectives and New Year’s resolutions on where we want to be next year. Roadmaps can help you get there. “Roadmap.sh is a community effort to create roadmaps, guides, and other educational content to help guide the developers in picking up the path and guide their learnings.”
Futurepedia – The largest AI tools directory, updated daily. Never let the person do the AI work.
Read with us

High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove
With almost 40 years under its belt, this book is still relevant for understanding the fundamentals of management.
Forty years is a long time, and many management practices have evolved. Nevertheless, fundamentals are fundamentals, and this book is highly recommended.
Header photo by cottonbro studio
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