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How ready are you for the SEPA Direct Debit?

01. 03. 2017

Have you ensured all the preconditions so that your business activities and reputation wouldn't be threatened by implementing the SEPA Direct Debit?

The Direct Debit service (SEPA Direct Debit) will start with the adaptation to the HRK SDD scheme Rules (Basic and Business) from the 5th of June 2017. Following this, all the banks which signed the Accession Treaty to at least one of the HRK SDD schemes will start providing the Direct Debit service in accordance with the HRK SDD scheme Rules from the 5th of June 2017, and will make new contracts concerning Direct Debits with the recipients of the payments solely according to the new scheme (source: www.sepa.hr; The National SEPA Migration Plan, Appendix 2).

Potential risk

  • Are your preparation activities advancing according to plan?
  • Have you covered all the specificities of the new scheme and successfully tested the format and the process of the data exchange?
  • Have you ensured all the preconditions so that your business activities and reputation wouldn’t be threatened by implementing the SEPA Direct Debit?

CROZ has great experience and expertise in testing complex systems, and we are especially experienced in implementing and adapting to the SEPA standard. We can help you with answering to the answers above and more through the following services:

  • Consulting services of verifying the defined and established system architecture, connection with peripheral systems and fulfillment of functional and non-functional requirements
  • Usage of tools that enables every SEPA Direct Debit recipient independently testing the data format and validating simple and complex business rules
  • Function and penetration testing of SEPA Direct Debit’s functionality by our specialized test team

Our professional team is here to help you. Verify the preparation activities for SEPA DD in time and enjoy the sunny weather carefree.
For all inquiries, please contact us!


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