Our 0800-DEVOPS team recently took Kelsey Hightower up on his Office Hours offer and it was a great experience for us. Getting private time with Kubernetes contributor and hearing first-hand where this platform is headed for was both educational and inspirational at the same time. Although we couldn’t possibly pay him back for this session, we promised to pay it forward.
Therefore, we’re keeping timeslots open for anyone to book casual private time with our 0800-DEVOPS team and discuss DevOps and other related topics -> no strings attached!
We know first-hand how much it helps when you have somebody to talk to, share different perspectives, get some advice or just blow off some steam. Lots of people helped us in this regard, and we would like to give back.
We’re here for you if you need someone to discuss things like DevOps culture, starting DevOps transformation, building learning organization, analyzing processes, finding bottlenecks, setting up teams, setting appropriate tools, cloud-native development, process automation, and all things related!
You just pick a timeslot that best suits you and we’ll get back with confcall details.
And that’s it… let’s talk!
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