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Struggling with transforming enterprise organizations?

18. 10. 2021

Struggling with transforming enterprise organizations?

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In 0800-DEVOPS #27: Transforming enterprise organizations, Ivan Krnić welcomed two guests – Michael Heiβ, a cloud-computing business leader from ARS, and Krešimir Musa, CTO from CROZ. Both ARS and CROZ offer consulting services in the area of cloud-native and DevOps. Therefore, this episode approaches challenges traditional organizations face when transitioning to the fast-pacing cloud-native world.

Find out:

  • why is continuous digitization a necessity
  • how to support clients in the state of transition
  • how salami explains transaction expectations
  • why the ”never touch a running system” policy hurts you
  • what are the fundamental concepts that enterprise organizations are trying to achieve today
  • why you should utilize Wardley mapping
  • what are some typical patterns organizations successfully use in this digital transformation
  • do you really know how to experiment?

To find out how to successfully transform traditional enterprise organizations in a fast-pacing cloud-native world, leave us your e-mail address, and we will have a full discussion by Michael Heiss, Ivan Krnić and Krešimir Musa delivered directly to your inbox. Don’t miss out!

*The document is in German.

    Leave us your e-mail address here and we will have a full interview delivered directly to your inbox


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