3 Min reading time

Art Instead of Advertisements

29. 04. 2024

Our way of incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility into our day-to-day life.

Our way of incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility into our day-to-day life.

We’ve been collaborating with the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) for five years now and in that collaboration, we aim to conduct socially responsible business and support local artists. Our way of doing that is to encourage them to participate twice a year in making visual solutions that we then exhibit on the facade of our building.

Let’s start from the beginning

Not so long ago, in 2018, CROZ began collaborating with the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU). We wanted to enrich our neighbourhood with art instead of advertisements and allow local artists to showcase their talent. CROZ is in a specific location, a well-known intersection called Petlja (eng. Loop) between Slavonska Avenue and Marin Držić Street in Zagreb. Many people pass through these urban avenues every day and we decided to put artwork on the facade of our building so that everyone passing through Petlja could enjoy it. So far, the facade of our building has been adorned by the work of 14 artists.

Why is this initiative important?

Artists whose works have been selected in previous competitions agree that this initiative is excellent and essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps in the noblest purpose of art, which is opening it up to the public. It takes work to establish a dialogue between artwork and the public. That’s why this opportunity is to be noticed. Secondly, the fact that their work is recognized as high quality and compelling art for selected artists means encouragement, motivation for further work, and new opportunities. Besides testing their creativity, this competition also helps them establish new connections, and the financial support they receive is not to be overlooked.

“The Smell of Tuesday”

Currently, on the facade of our building, you can see the work of Petra Šabić called “The Smell of Tuesday. Petra graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and primarily engaged in painting. The theme of our latest competition, Synaesthesia – the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body, was inspiring and familiar to her. Since childhood, Petra instinctively associated specific fonts and colours with certain days of the week. “Synaesthesia is something closest to the creative process in its essence, the overlap between different stimulations and fascinations I experience daily,” says Petra. She named her work “The Smell of Tuesday” because, in the process of making it, she delved into memories of some Tuesdays from her childhood and the way she experienced synaesthesia back then.

Who are the winning artists?

Lastly, we will introduce all the artists whose works have been selected as the winning piece. They are, in order:

Helena Klakočar: untitled work on the importance of harmony between ecology and technological progress

Maja BachlerRift of Clouds (Prolom oblaka)

Korina HunjakVision (Vizija)

Ivana Barišić TomšićThe Way to School (Put do škole)

Ivana PipalGratitude (Zahvalnost)

Tanja BlaškovićThe hug (Zagrljaj)

Darija JelinčićHand (Ruka)

Lav ParipovićMetamorphosis (Metamorfoza)

Danijel ŽeželjTogether (Zajedno)

Diana TroharReinterpretation of Edo Murtić (Reinterpretacija Ede Murtića)

Agata LučićOh Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? (O Romeo, Romeo, zašto si Romeo?)

Olivera Cavrić: Above and Below the Facade Lies Love (Iznad i ispod privida nalazi se ljubav)

Klara RusanPedestrian Loop (Pješačka petlja)

Petra ŠabićThe Smell of Tuesday (Miris utorka)

We are very proud of this initiative and all 14 artists whose works we have exhibited so far, but we are not stopping. Our story continues with a new competition that will be open soon.

Header image credits go to Steve Johnson on Unsplash


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