During the summer, 42 students were working in CROZ. Some of them are our old, well known students who are working on already existing projects, and some are new, interns who came to learn a lot of new things and use their summer wisely. With the assistance of the mentors they worked on several interesting projects, and the results were shown last Friday on the first ever Student Show Off.
Learn@CROZ educational center, for one day only, become a real small Fair – with a bunch of stands, monitors, promo materials, and of course, students who happily welcomed the visitors and presented their products and the process in creating it.
Students presented eight projects at the Fair. There were internal projects, like application which will make the exchange of messages and files between the employees easier than it is now, or like a system which helps organizing internal events, or like an app through which is possible to buy a gift for a colleague. There were also some projects realized outside of CROZ, like a tool that uses natural (normal) language for searching through graph databases, or like a system that analyses data sets, or like a project where application logs are analyzed by the process mining method, or like an application for material management.
In the projects, different tools and technologies were used, some of them were: WebSockets, Event driven architecture, Gradle, Git, Java (Spring Boot), React, Neo4j, Google syntaxnet, reldi API, Hadoop, Spark, R, Zeppelin, Jupiter Notebook, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, MySQL, Angular 2 (Typescript, RxJS, ng2-redux), Prime NG, Webpack, Grails 3, Groovy, ProM, Grails, ExtJs, Cucumber, Docker, etc.
A big thanks to all of our students who have done great projects and performed excellent presentations on the first Student Show Off.
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