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In focus: Infrastructure as Code
It’s a sunny afternoon on Thursday and Denis is adding a new node to his Kubernetes cluster. A couple of commands and voila, the node is there. He just needs to check if all the apps are working fine and soon he’ll be on his way home. New node kicks in, tests are running and … BOOM!… apps are failing, the dashboard is getting red, and Denis is realizing he won’t be home for quite some time…
How can that be? He has just added one node. True. But Denis has probably missed some configuration properties and now his new Kubernetes node is behaving differently than others. And since documentation is scattered between Wikis, Word docs and tribal knowledge, it will probably take him a couple of days to manually fine-tune the node and have it work like all the others. Denis learned his lesson that day. The solution is Infrastructure as Code.
Take a look at what is hidden behind concepts such as Infrastructure as Code and GitOps and what exactly Denis learned that day!
Riding with the Queen
Mary Thengvall is the Director of Developer Relations at Camunda and author of the first book on Developer Relations “The Business Value of Developer Relations”. Above all she is a passionate community builder known for building community programs at O’Reilly Media, Chef Software, and SparkPost. Her book sparked so many good ideas that I had to talk with Mary about Developer Relations and building internal developer communities. Thanks Mary!
—“Riding with the Queen/King” is our series featuring short interviews with super interesting people from the field of technology.
Worth of your time
+ We have been so much into GitOps lately and the love is still strong! Denis is introducing ArgoCD and explaining why we have started using a GitOps tool.
+ In every transformation, there is a risk that a lack of information (or misunderstanding) will result in people filling the gaps with imaginary negative information. The best way to mitigate this risk is Internal Evangelism. Only by continuously sharing the vision, talking about the benefits and transparently recognizing/addressing challenges will people feel motivated and join the movement.
Read with us
Infrastructure as Code
Kief Morris is the head of ThoughtWorks’ European practice for Continuous Delivery and DevOps, and this is the best explanation I’ve read so far on how moving from Iron Age to Cloud Age requires new strategies in dealing with infrastructure.
With patterns explaining how engineering practices such as CI, CD, and testing can be applied to infrastructure, this book gives you nice guidelines for managing your infrastructure just like your application code. Note: there is a 2nd edition on the way!
Quote of the Day
“The best way to make a movement, if you really care, is to courageously follow and show others how to follow.
When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in.”
—Derek Sivers, First Follower: Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy
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