We’re more than happy to share the news that our partner agile42 will be a key partner in the Cynefin Centre’s forthcoming action research programmes on user requirement capture and project management. agile 42 and The Cognitive Edge will work together to create an instance of SenseMaker® to support agile42 work on Agile readiness, providing both an assessment instrument and an ability for continuing monitoring, knowledge capture and learning.
agile42 is the world-renowned consulting firm who has years of experience and a unique approach to projects involving the introduction of agile principles in the organizations around the world. We started our journey with the agile42 in 2012. Continuous collaboration between CROZ and agile42 culminated in an exclusive partnership for the area of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, which was officially announced two years ago. The partnership has laid a solid foundation for future collaboration and made possible joint work on consultancy engagements, as well as continuous improvement of all involved participants through joint work and knowledge and experience exchange.
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