Even though it has been cultivating partnership with RedHat for a while now, CROZ recently successfully fulfilled all necessary preconditions and moved up to the advanced partnership level, with Cloud specialization.
A new, improved partnership level excellently blends in with our strategic orientation towards developing complex IT solutions, ready for cloud and digital economy. Our teams have been gaining quality experience through work inside the company, as well as with our clients, in areas that interest us: PaaS, IaaS and DevOps. RedHat has advanced products in those areas, used by renown companies like Netflix and BMW, so we believe that we’re going to be able to offer attractive and affordable solutions to our clients, as well as the inevitable „know how“, which is a prerequisite for our every technological recommendation.
This year we participated in the second RedHat Adriatic Partners forum in Opatija, so we can say with much joy that the red-hatters definitely lined a very ambitious path for our region.
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