Trailblazers 5th Edition

What was on the agenda ?
Leading the charge for the fifth edition of Trailblazers was Igor Buzatović, Principal Software Engineer at Porsche Digital Croatia.
Afterwards, Igor Buzatović was joined by Ivan Dundović and Miroslav Čerkez from CROZ, as well as a special guest panelist from Confluent, Niki Kapsi.
Event Details
In just 30 short minutes, our first guest Igor Buzatović, helped the crowd get ready by covering some of the more common Kafka consumer pitfalls.
Afterwards, our panelists gathered and together they covered some of the complexities organizations face when implementing an event-driven architecture, including challenges like handling late events, the event processing order, as well as different testing methodologies.
The wrap-up segment of this edition was special, as, apart from the usual classic of burgers & beers, we also enjoyed three different cakes sponsored by Confluent!
The Next Trailblazers Event is in the works!
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