CROZ continues developing with new partners from AxonIQ – they empower businesses to gain insights into, comprehend, and adapt their software systems to align with the requirements of their customers.
AxonIQ offers a unique platform designed exclusively for event-driven thinking in the global landscape. Axon, their comprehensive platform, provides an end-to-end solution for developing and managing EDA applications with a particular emphasis on CQRS and Event Sourcing.
In addition to an amazing partnership and collaboration, one of CROZ’s Senior Software Consultants, Damir Murat is having a presentation about Structuring Large Projects with Strategic DDD at their AxonIQ Conference 2023 in Amsterdam this September.
➡️ To learn more about how CROZ can guide you on your journey, please don’t hesitate to contact us through email ([email protected]) or any other digital channel you prefer.