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AxonIQ x CROZ Partnership

27. 09. 2023

CROZ continues developing with new partners from AxonIQ – they empower businesses to gain insights into, comprehend, and adapt their software systems to align with the requirements of their customers.

AxonIQ offers a unique platform designed exclusively for event-driven thinking in the global landscape. Axon, their comprehensive platform, provides an end-to-end solution for developing and managing EDA applications with a particular emphasis on CQRS and Event Sourcing.

“With each crisis of the last 15 years, the gap has widened between us in Europe and the countries and companies that have continued to invest strategically in digital. IT has long since ceased to be a cost factor and has become the backbone of all digital business models. This is exactly why now is the time to actively use AI and machine learning and modernize your own IT.”

Peter Blenninger, Co-Founder and Managing Director of CROZ DACH GmbH

“Developing EDA without the right off-the-shelf and open-source tools, you will spend around 50% of your time on technical challenges. You will need 5-8 men-years to develop the framework and data storage just to get started. Do not reinvent the wheel; focus on the important stuff.”

Allard Buijze CTO, AxonIQ

In addition to an amazing partnership and collaboration, one of CROZ’s Senior Software Consultants, Damir Murat is having a presentation about Structuring Large Projects with Strategic DDD at their AxonIQ Conference 2023 in Amsterdam this September.

➡️ To learn more about how CROZ can guide you on your journey, please don’t hesitate to contact us through email ([email protected]) or any other digital channel you prefer.

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