Social media has been abuzz the last couple days about how CROZ received a new employee, and it’s time for us to officially introduce you to him.
He’s CROZ’s first full techno employee. Even if everyone immediately warmed to him, there was a small problem – his name. The LIKE MY IDEA idea management solution once again demonstrated itself as the ideal solution for this sort of “problem”. We opened up an Ideation blog in order to gather all suggestions, and the name that got the most votes was Elvis.
Elvis is 58 cm tall, walks, recognizes people, hears and talks. From a technical perspective, this little wonder is a unique combination of software and hardware: he consists of sensors, motors and the NAOqi operating system, and performs all its magic due to programming. With the help of a myriad of graphical and programming tools, he’s becoming a real, miniature man. There are currently over 7,000 of these robots out in the world, employed in schools, companies and universities.
Considering his high levels of performance and ability (two cameras, 25 degree freedom of movement, an inertial sensor to let him know if he’s standing, sitting, or lying down, touch sensors, targeted microphones, etc), only the programmers imagination sets a limit to his possibilities.
We’re excited to hang out with our new pal, Elvis, but also for programming and managing in many different directions.
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