Sustainability is a matter close to our hearts!
Sustainability is a central component of our corporate philosophy. As a BizTech company, we want to make a positive contribution to an intact environment, a peaceful and tolerant society, and a stable economy through our sustainable and secure services and active engagement. Our commitment therefore extends across all three ESG areas.
Our goal as a BizTech consulting company is to establish a sustainable business model and to inspire and support our clients to adopt sustainable business activities so we have a positive impact on the environment and society. To achieve this, we strive to make sustainability a central aspect of all our business activities. To this end, our sustainability officers have developed a sustainability strategy in collaboration with our management.

A first step in the area of Environment (E) was the calculation of our corporate carbon footprint, which was used to derive further measures that are already being implemented. These include the sustainable procurement of our office supplies and the development of durable software from which our customers can benefit for a long time and conserve resources. We offset our unavoidable CO2 footprint through selected environmental projects. Our ambitious goals have led us to partner with FutureCamp, a renowned sustainability consultancy. This allows us to complement our expertise with their in-depth knowledge and to support our clients even more effectively on their journey to sustainable IT

We are also actively involved in local associations and communities for nature conservation at the employee level. When it comes to transportation, as a certified bike-friendly company, we rely on environmentally friendly bicycles, provide a travel allowance for public transport and are the proud owners of a green “electric company fleet”. As an IT service provider, one of our most important resources alongside our employees is, of course, electricity. We only buy green electricity from renewable energy sources and have even equipped the roof of our company building in Zagreb with solar panels, which allows us to cover part of our energy needs with our own solar power.
We are also committed to initiatives in the social sector (S). We actively support artists, as well as associations that help socially disadvantaged children, people with physical or mental disabilities or refugees. Sentence too long for Eng. Suggestion: Regarding our employees, equal rights for all genders and ethnicities are a self-evident matter for us. We create a working environment that offers equal opportunities for all, emphasizes teamwork, and enables the compatibility of family and career through part-time working models, remote working, flexible working hours, and easy access to child and elderly care.
Governance (G) plays a particularly important role for us as an IT service provider, as information security and data protection are essential and important requirements of our clients for all our services. We therefore regularly discuss our internal processes and their efficiency and security in internal workshops and discuss optimization measures.
Through regular training, we also ensure that all employees have a high level of awareness of information security and data protection and are also familiar with the relevant laws.
To ensure that the topic is always given sufficient attention at all levels, we have dedicated information security and data protection officers who are familiar with current legislation and are constantly driving forward new initiatives at the management and employee level. This not only ensures even greater security and compliance with official regulations of our services but also strengthens our stakeholders’ trust in us as a company. Our reliability and service security are officially confirmed by ISO 27001 certification on the group level. Further local certifications are in planning.

Corporate Volunteering
We consider corporate volunteering as an important tool for promoting the active involvement of our employees in sustainability topics and increasing their awareness of such issues. Specifically, we organize a Corporate Volunteering Day twice a year, once every six months, on which our employees, all together, support a charity during their working hours. The charity is selected in advance through an internal presentation, a following discussion and voting, which ensures that everyone is involved from the beginning. In this way, we can firmly anchor sustainable thinking and action in our corporate culture, motivate our employees to actively work towards a better future and at the same time, spend an amazing day together as a team.
ESRS Reporting
We are working on our first ESG report! ESRS reporting (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) is an essential part of sustainability reporting for companies in the EU. It aims to ensure transparency and comparability of companies regarding their sustainability efforts. Reporting covers all three aspects – environment, social and governance. Companies disposing a report must disclose detailed information on their environmental footprint, social impact, and governance practices.
As sustainability is a matter close to our hearts and we want to underline our commitment to it, we are already working on our first ESG report, even if this means a lot of work and we are not (yet) legally obliged to do so. This will not only promote awareness of sustainability in our company but also strengthen the credibility and authenticity of our company in the eyes of our stakeholders.