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New date for programming workshop

24. 07. 2015

The fourth workshop in 2015 will be held from Monday, the 31st of August to Thursday, the 3rd of September, from 5 to 7 PM at CROZ's education center, Learn@CROZ.

For four years now, Scratch programming workshops for school-aged kids have been held regularly, organized by the Programerko association. To the joy of the teachers and assistants, the classes have always been filled to capacity.

The fourth workshop in 2015 will be held from Monday, the 31st of August to Thursday, the 3rd of September, from 5 to 7 PM at CROZ’s education center, Learn@CROZ, address: Lastovska 23, Zagreb. The workshop spans 4 days.

Space is limited, so hurry to get you kids signed up for this fun and educational workshop.

Information and registration: [email protected]

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