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          Great collabs

          Working with enterprise customers on international markets has been second nature to our experts for many years. In the last two years, our client family has grown to include many new customers who appreciate the value we have created for their projects and business goals. And we are very proud of that! Although working remotely became second nature to almost all our customers, our consultants, and teams took every opportunity to travel throughout Europe, the Middle East, and the United States to learn about our clients’ business and country cultures and provide on-site support when needed. At CROZ, we value the opportunity to meet the client team face-to-face and value not only business but also human relationships.

          We currently have more than 300 customers worldwide.

          Our team typically begins working with our customers on projects through which we can build trust and demonstrate how CROZ can support their business. We are proud to have been able to maintain trust for all the above customers and to continue working in the current year. Since we have many projects, it’s impossible to highlight the most important ones. So read on to get to know the diversity of our wide portfolio and service offerings!

          HT – with the Power of AI from Reactive to Proactive and Predictive (read here)

          Our project with HT is a classic example of our AI projects where we select a business case, demonstrate feasibility, and establish goals through a welldesigned pilot and continuation of services for more complex business cases. We helped HT increase availability and stabilized the continuity of their core and critical services, and we combined machine learning models with large amounts of log data to detect anomalies and determine the root cause of incidents in real-time.

          Nexi Group – Designing a novel fraud Detection System (read here)

          Our team helped NEXI group – Europe’s leading PayTech company, design an additional module of the existing fraud management system by combining machine learning techniques with large amounts of historical data. One of CROZ’s tasks was to modernize the system by incorporating ML techniques and automating as much work as possible. Once the project finished and we helped NEXI Croatia with improving the fraud system, the results were more than visible. Increased dataset quality, increased dataset quality: more transactions, more features (~400), ML model with a greater capacity, improved prediction quality of the model, and improved statistics of fraud detection that tell enough for themselves, both in the number of frauds as well values.

          Real time event streaming in Unicredit Group (read here)

          The customer approached us with a request to build a solution that will enable them a real-time communication with clients. As a result, our team establishedthe RealTime CRM systemas a complementary system to the existing CRM. A mutual goal was to create a product that fits the defined purpose of improving customer experience. But also, to be reusable at its maximum in different business contexts. We achieved this by combining the team’s business and technology creative insights. With the implemented real-time communication platform ZABA has an excellent opportunity to use the available features in various business scenarios to strengthen its digital recognition and presence on the market.

          Swedish Car Manufacturer – Reducing Emissions using Data (read here)

          Our team has been engaged by one of the world’s leading transportation solution providers to participate in the maintenance and further expansion of their existing Data Lake project. We are working with the customer using methodology and best practices to obtain a sustainable and extensible Data Lake architecture with Data Governance in mind. We are excited to contribute our small part to this big initiative and use data to gain a better understanding of all the important factors and impacts on the environment.

          Fintech company – moving to AWS Cloud (read here)

          We were hired to assist the customer with various aspects of the move to the AWS Cloud. The challenges we faced during the project were customizing the solution for each customer without impacting other instances and optimizing costs for the customer. Our team advised the customer on how to improve their existing applications to maximize the benefits of the cloud and deployment automation. Our main tasks were to automate the provisioning of AWS environments using Terraform scripts and to provision new environments with the required components.

          HT Eronet makes its billing system more agile and secure (read here)

          HT Eronet decided to build a single, centralized communications platform and adopt a microservices approach to accelerate the development of new features and services. We helped HT Eronet select, prove, and adopt Red Hat 3scale API Management and Red Hat Fuse ESB on Red Hat OpenShift for its simplified centralized communications platform. HT Eronet currently relies on CROZ to implement new Red Hat Fuse integrations and APIs on Red Hat 3scale and customize existing ones but expects its developers to take this on over time. In addition to CROZ’s knowledge transfer, the telecom company’s teams continue to expand their knowledge over time.

          Raiffeisen Bank International – Scaling Open Banking (read here)

          Complex, large, agile, transparent, safe. Everything under one hood – OPEN. Open Banking can only be realized with a high degree of trust in organizational and technical aspects and the right team members. Our customer Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) implemented Merlin and Open Banking Integration Tribe with the goal of driving digitization across the entire Raiffeisen Banking Group. CROZ experts, who are highly experienced and well versed in the IBM API Connect (APIC) platform, are working side-by-side with RBI members to deliver new banking experience to the entire Raiffeisen Banking Group. The teams include more than 180 people with 27 nationalities and 26 languages and have members from 4 continents.

          Migration from CA ACF2 to IBM RACF (read here)

          Together with IBM, we helped a large mainframe customer migrate from CA ACF2 to IBM RACF, keeping in mind cost optimization with minimal downtime and impact on the customer’s regular operations. The biggest challenge was the short deadline for the migration before the renewal of the Broadcom contract with minimal downtime and impact on regular operations. For the customer, we provided several tools and solutions to facilitate the migration of business processes not available in RACF. We accepted the challenge and successfully completed the migration from ACF2 to RACF within the customer’s timeframe, with strong project leadership and PM guidance to manage a delivery team from four different time zones.

          Cloud-based machine learning powered anonymization solution for Datev (read here)

          Our team from CROZ AI helped implement a reliable anonymization solution to help Datev leverage its data for producing new business value. It was a challenging task, but we managed to do it by implementing a highly configurable model – a transformer-based named-entity-recognition model using AZURE as cloud environment. We successfully showed that a cloud-based anonymization solution has great potential and should be considered as a candidate for a production system.

          Check out more of our projects here!