What is mainframe modernization after all? Is the mainframe old? Is it still the big black box I encountered in 1989? Does the mainframe need a new coat of paint? Or what does modernization mean to you?
I have been working on the modernization of mainframes for many years now. I have met many people from various organizations and have learned about numerous approaches and ideas. Mainframe modernization can have a myriad of meanings, quite often without a common denominator! For example, some companies migrate their mainframe applications and data to private or public cloud environments. Others integrate mainframe systems with new applications and data across the mainframe boundaries, using APIs and hybrid-data integration, enabling seamless exchange and improved functionality. Additionally, modernization can mean in-place updating of tools and software stacks, such as adopting new DevOps processes, improving the developer experience, and replacing legacy tools with their open-source counterparts.
The True Meaning of Modernization
I recently joined CROZ as a senior mainframe modernization architect, and this new role has led me to think intensively about the sum of these approaches.
So that’s not so easy to answer. There are so many points you can start with, and should start with, if you want to stay up to date. Without giving too much away, it’s not about revamped look – the mainframe is already sleek and stylish, featuring a tall, black, minimalist design with modern aesthetics.
As always, it’s all about inner values. The inner values of the engineers (mindset), the inner values of the computer (software) and the inner values of the decision-makers (processes). We need to also consider the business value of mainframe modernization: What additional value does modernization bring, if any? And what is the business risk if we don’t modernize? Or what are the alternative paths to modernization?
It’s certainly a complex challenge, and we need to take a holistic approach. We at CROZ are planning to describe these modernization approaches in more detail in a whitepaper to provide starting points for building a modernization strategy.
A Smarter Approach: Why Incremental Modernization Works Best
Whatever approach you take, I always suggest avoiding an overly optimistic outlook with complex migration scenarios, exhausting testing, and a big bang at the end. Mainframe modernization projects are notorious for their complexity and delays, so I strongly recommend an incremental approach instead. Sometimes, the big bang is unavoidable, but I would always recommend a “non-stop modernization” with small improvements every week.
Armin, don’t beat around the bush. What specific steps can we take?
Let’s get straight to it, here are some suggestions:
- Migration of the sources to a standard source code management system (GIT)
- Introduction of modern IDEs (IDz, VSCode)
- Modernization of the development processes, keyword DevOps. Automation by means of a pipeline, see more here
- Building “API layer” on top of a mainframe, view here
- Implementation of hybrid-cloud data architecture
- Upgrade of existing compiler versions (COBOL 6)
- Implementation of shift-left testing (unit tests also for classic languages)
- Training of employees, rather to be described as enabling
- Automation of the Mainframe, check here
- How about containers on the mainframe? Possibly even in z/OS?
- Calling REST services from classic languages
- Use of artificial intelligence, in the area of classic languages or even to help Sysprogs or Database Admins (view more here and here)
- Analyzing applications and identifying parts that are more suited to a cloud environment
- Refactoring confusing applications, check more here
- Java and even SpringBoot are completely legitimate languages on the mainframe
This list is far from exhaustive; the approaches mentioned are merely examples and will differ for each mainframe shop. Every company has its unique BizTech context, and understanding these priorities is the first step. From there, you can plan your modernization journey. It’s truly worth the effort; modernization significantly reduces technology risk while maximizing the business value of mainframe applications and data. Stay current and keep everything modern, including your mindset.
Why Mainframe Modernization Matters for Your Business
Why am I talking so much about the mindset? When we talk about modernizing the mainframe, we are always talking to and about very experienced people. People who have been doing what they do, sometimes for decades, have always excelled at it. These people should not be persuaded, they should be convinced. Convince them that the world keeps turning, that there are modern solutions to tried and tested problems.
Modernizing mainframe tools and processes lowers or even removes the barrier that prevents Gen Z from understanding the mainframe. This is a huge benefit, since bridging the skills gap is crucial for future-proofing the mainframe platform. I have also found that bringing younger and experienced people together brings many benefits. Each can learn a lot from the other and gain a better understanding of each other’s perspectives.
More Than Just Technology: The Human Side of Modernization
It’s not just about technology; it’s also about the soft skills and the people. You must acknowledge that people can’t completely discard what they’ve learned over many years and what has become second nature to them. It takes time, and that must be accepted and understood.
That’s why it’s most important to bring people along with you. Talk to the developers and system programmers, ask for their input, and get them on board. They’ll thank you for it!