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Post Big Data Era: What’s Next at CROZ

02. 12. 2019

It is safe to say there would be no digital transformation of any business without big data, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and data science. Services in banks or public institutions and even our mobile phones, cars and watches all work thanks to advanced analytics.

Therefore CROZ will be hosting an event with presentations and discussions on the hottest topics in advanced analytics domain. CROZ data science experts and guest speakers from companies such as IBM andTechData will try to predict what the next 5 years bring and answer questions such as:

  • Hadoop is dead, Cloudera has CDP, what’s next?
  • How to efficiently adapt Data Driven Insights architecture for cloud?
  • Should monolith data lake concept be replaced with Data Mesh or something else?
  • Why  streaming concept is better than traditional batch option used for decades? 
  • Are „ready-to-use“ AI services flexible enough for any environment?

Big Data and the Future: Our POV

CROZ’s Data Architect Darko Benšić will try and predict the next five years in advanced analytics from technical and conceptual perspective and our Data Engineer Ivan Dundović will speak on the role of Apache Kafka in data integration. TechData’s Julian Jange will offer his view on Cloudera after Hortonworks and Milan Mistrić from IBM will speak on the role of Data Science and AI in digital transformation.

The event will take place at CROZ, Lastovska 23, Zagreb, on December 9th.
We invite data and analytics professionals and anyone planning or in the process of digital transformation to join us and hear about the future of advanced analytics. The admission is free of charge, contact [email protected] to apply and get more details. 

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